I do not offer crisis support so if you find yourself in an emotional and mental health crisis where you feel that you need urgent help there are several organisations that can provide support during this time. A selection is listed below:
Emergency Services
In a life-threatening emergency, remember to dial 999 first
Call 116 123 for free
Welsh Language Call 0808 164 0123 (available Every day 7 pm - 11 pm)
Infoline: 0300 123 3393
National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK
Call 0800 689 5652 (6 pm to midnight every day)
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Freephone 0808 2000 247 (24-hour helpline)
Live online chat is also available: Monday – Friday, 3 pm – 10 pm
Cruse Bereavement Support
Home - Cruse Bereavement Support
Helpline 0808 808 1677
Honest information about drugs | FRANK (talktofrank.com)
Drug and Alcohol support call 0300 123 6600 24 hours 7 days a week
Text option available 82111
Live chat online from 2pm to 6pm 7 days a week
Call 0800 1111 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC
18 or under you can call Childine 0800 1111 (as above)
Helpline 0808 800 5000
Email Help@NSPCC.org.uk
Or completing an online reporting form https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/reporting-abuse/report/report-abuse-online/
Calm Harm (Teenage Support for Self-harm)
Home - Calm Harm App (stem4.org.uk)
Download via Google Play or App Store
Helpline is available 5 pm to midnight, 365 days a year 0800 58 58 58
Webchat is also available
Support in Wales
Call NHS 111 and select option 2. This will lead you to an NHS helpline offering 24/7 urgent mental health support.
If you live in Wales, you can call the Community Advice and Listening Line (C.A.L.L.) on 0800 132 737 (open 24/7) or text 'help' followed by a question to 81066.
Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre North Wales (RASASC NW)
Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre North Wales (rasawales.org.uk)
Office: 01248 670 628
Helpline: 0808 80 10 800 (24hrs)
Email: info@rasacymru.org.uk
Womens Aid
Home - Women's Aid (womensaid.org.uk)
Refuge, the largest UK domestic abuse organisation for women
Call 0808 2000 247 (24/7 free of charge)
Men's Domestic Abuse Help Line
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men | Men's Advice Line UK (mensadviceline.org.uk)
Call 0808 8010327 (Monday to Friday 10 am to 5 pm)
Email info@mensadviceline.org.uk (Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm)
Remember some organisations can charge for calls:
Calls from UK landlines are charged at local rates. Charges from mobile telephones vary. The charge for your call will depend on your mobile phone provider and the contract that you have with them.